Stop Being a Drone: 5 Ways to Enjoy Work

Categories: 360 Culture

Do you ever have trouble staying motivated during shark week? I mean... the work week. Same answer though right? No? Well, we all have times where we just sort of hit that wall at work. Here is a list of strategies that have been working for me lately, enjoy!

1. Get Inspired

Nothing has gotten people inspired over the years like finding someone or something to look up to - so find yourself a muse. For me, guys like Walt Disney and John Lasseter (of Pixar) have been a picture of innovation and creativity. Walt took risks and kept on the peak of new ideas in order to achieve the best quality of entertainment, he was an innovator. Similarly Lasseter was excited about technology and the potential of computer in animation. Taking similar principles and trying to apply them to my job is something that motivates me.

2. Update Your Scenery

Does looking at your personal office space inspire as much energy and creativity as a dried out potato? Or maybe it has just looked the same for a while. Some people think change is bad, but I think we can all handle a little bit of a scenery update from time to time. So start your vacation away from your everyday work environment. Bring in a poster, a plant, some photos, or a toy (maybe a hundred).


3. Music

For some people music can be a distraction, but for others it can get the blood pumping and creative juices flowing. What you're listening to impacts your whole environment and mood. So hit up iTunes or Spotify and start listening! If you find music to be distracting there are a few websites that make background noise to help calm and soothe you. I'd recommend and

4. Take a Break

Changing your scenery for part of the day and relaxing a bit is good for you when you can't stay in the zone. Make sure you are taking breaks that are afforded to you, come early if you need to so you can have a more leisurely approach to your day. Other options might be something as simple as doing a bit of stretching or being intentional about taking a few minutes to talk to a coworker.

5. Switch Tasks

If you're like me, you usually have multiple projects/tasks in your to-do list. If you find yourself stuck on what you're doing switch to something else for a little while. It might just give you the refresher you need.

Happy working!