Making Buffalo Better

Making Buffalo BetterOver the summer, the 360 PSG team raised money to help buy school supplies for Buffalo Public School #74, Hamlin Park Academy. Content Manager Erin Maynard spearheaded the drive at 360 PSG, which was part of a larger community effort organized by local charity Making Buffalo Better. In all, the team raised $300 which was then used to buy 20 backpacks filled with supplies like notebooks, crayons and glue sticks. We didn’t forget the hardworking teachers of Hamlin Park Academy either! Our donations were also used to purchase hand sanitizer and other supplies that will help keep everyone safe as they return to school this fall.

In our increasingly STEM-driven world, we know the importance of making sure the next generation greets the future well educated and comfortable with technology. The team at 360 PSG is happy to contribute to educational initiatives happening in our own backyard, knowing we’re doing our part to help educate tomorrow’s leaders.