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COA's New Site Goes Live

by system
Fri, Nov 15th 2013 09:30 am

Creative Outdoor Advertising launched its new website creativeoutdoor.com with 360 PSG, Inc.

Creative Outdoor Advertising (COA) provides StreetScaping programs to municipalities and transit authorities across North America. StreetScaping can best be described as the provisioning of street furniture, primarily benches, at bus/transit stops.

The graphic designers at 360 PSG provided COA with a custom website design  that makes it easy for visitors to view their municipal transit and recycling products.

COA's website operates on the Fission Web System, which contains built-in search engine optimization tools that have the potential to increase visibility online and improve search engine ranking.

COA's' new site is securely hosted on 360 PSG's servers at their business class datacenter in downtown Buffalo, NY.