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PlowStakes.com's New Site Bulldozes The Competition

by system
Mon, Jun 13th 2011 10:15 am

PlowStakes.com launched its new website www.plowstakes.com with 360 Professional Services Group.

Headquartered in Buffalo, New York, PlowStakes.com is the destination website for professional snow removal needs, offering products such as plow rubber, snow deflectors, plow wings, and their namesake plow stakes.

Along with a custom graphic design, 360 PSG developed a product catalog and shopping cart with Fission Storefront, a powerful e-commerce tool that provides PlowStakes.com with a more professional presence online to sell their snow removal product line nationwide.

With the Fission Content Management System (CMS), PlowStakes.com has the ability to create, edit, and update an unlimited number of content pages from any computer with internet access at any time.

PlowStakes.com's new website operates on the Fission Web System, which contains built-in search engine optimization tools that have the potential to increase search engine ranking and improve visibility online.

PlowStakes.com's new site is hosted on 360 PSG's secure servers at their business class datacenter in downtown Buffalo, NY.