Celebrating Halloween 360PSG Style

When Halloween falls on a Tuesday, you make sure to celebrate at work! Our team got together again this year for a Halloween party that lead to eating way too much candy. Never short on creativity, our team members who dressed up did not come to play (well, maybe a little bit). At our Halloween party last year, there were a lot of cool costumes and some no-brainer winners for our costume contest. This year, it seemed like we went all out on the food, and some of our staff took their costumes to the next level, but it’s hard to focus when there’s mountains of candy!
Our team enjoys a party, but now that we’re back in the office and getting to work -- we wanted to share our Halloween extravaganza before our sugar rush ends and we start counting the days until we’re eating holiday cutouts.
Our staff members who dressed up really put in effort and we love them for it!
The unofficial fan favorite would likely be Joel, our president, who came as Negan from The Walking Dead (surely to remind us that he is a strong and just ruler).
After eating a lot and celebrating Halloween, we’re happy to be back at it creating web solutions. We’re also happy to have candy stashed at our desks -- it’s the simple things.
Until next time!

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