Now Live: 360 PSG's Website Redesign
If you haven't noticed yet, our new website redesign has launched! At 360 PSG, we are passionate about our clients. It's our mission to make sure we provide innovative solutions to bring them online success. With that said, sometimes you have to treat yourself! Our design team spent months developing what we think is a representation of what it means to be web professionals in 2017. While one of our primary goals was to improve upon our sales presence, the updated look of our site reflects how we've progressed as a brand. It's exciting for us to present ourselves in a way that we do for clients each day. It's taken time to get our redesign up and live, but we're so thrilled to share it with you!
A huge focus of the redesign was to improve the experience of who matters - our visitors. We offer a multitude of design, content and digital marketing services. It's imperative that our current and potential clients are educated in these processes. Updating our quote form was an integral addition, ensuring the easiest method for onboarding new clients. The design team worked to produce a seamless, highly-functional experience. Taking a look at how other industry marketers showcase their work, we took it a step above by making our portfolio interactive, displaying our projects exactly how they would look on today's most popular devices. With just a few additional tweaks to make, we are looking to the future for new ways to continue innovating our website and overall brand.