Social Media Tips and Tricks
opportunity to reach a vast amount of people via the internet is a
marketer's dream come true and social media makes that possible. The
world now lives in a fishbowl called Facebook, where 1.11 billion people
from all over the world are putting their lives on display and
connecting with others. With the potential for your message to reach
even a fraction of these people, it's important to optimize the meaning
in the content your company is sharing.
While Facebook offers advertising space and promotional opportunities that won't clean out your wallet, if you're not posting what your customers want to see, your business won't grow. The potential to explode via the internet is high. Think about how many videos go viral just from sharing and other social media driven recommendations. This could be you. This could be your business. That said, here are some tips to help you post to your potential.
1. A picture says a thousand words
Everyone loves a great visual. You're much more likely to notice an attractive image in your timeline, but they key is to make each post as informational and relevant as possible. The photo might look great, but viewers need incentive to click on the link attached to it. Make your image stand out with colors and graphics, but also remember to make it informational and relevant.
2. Say a lot with a little
Nobody wants to read a novel when they're scrolling through their timeline. Get right to the point. Say what you have to say with as few words as possible, but be wary that you're not conveying enough information in your advertisement. It's vital to create this balance to keep your customers engaged.
3. Update update update
Don't let your customers forget about you, but be mindful not to clog their newsfeeds with an excessive amount of posts. If you post too frequently, your viewers will become annoyed and start to ignore your content. In order to stay in the eyes of the public, post relevant information often to continually remind your customers of what your brand is and why they should care.4. Entertain
Why do we use social media? It's fun! Engaging in social media is a source of entertainment and it's important to feed your customer's need to be entertained. Whether it's a funny picture, a joke or pun, or simply a cool video, make sure you entertain your audience, and always leave them wanting more.There you have it, some of the most important factors in keeping your social media profiles the eyes and thoughts of your audience. Ultimately, remember to keep your primary goal in mind: it's all about selling your brand.