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Social media helps drive brand awareness. With millions of people using at least one platform daily, it’s a great way to build your audience and connect with your customers.

Developing the perfect strategy for your business while staying in-budget can be challenging. However, there are cost-effective ways to get your brand in front of customers.

The most exciting football game of the year has more draw than just football. Vast portions of companies’ marketing budgets go toward creating commercials. But why is this wise?

In 2024, web design will change with new trends and popular features. The experts and web designers at 360 PSG have compiled a list of 6 trends we expect to see this year.

As we approach the new year, it's pivotal for businesses to reevaluate their branding. Effective branding is more than just aesthetics; it's the essence of a company's identity.

The internet has reshaped how we live and do business. But in this vast digital space, how do you ensure your business stands out? The answer lies in two powerful tools: SEO and SEM.

You only get one chance to make a first impression. Capturing visitors’ attention and making a positive first impression requires an engaging website design.

As a business owner, it’s essential to start getting comfortable with GA4 and the data held within it so you can track and monitor the performance of your business’s website.

As a business, it’s essential to have a high-functioning website to display your message, attract leads and maintain relationships with past customers. 

AI is quickly integrating itself into every aspect of life, both for people at work and in their personal lives. But is AI the future, or just another fad?

Marketing is the secret to improving your bottom line. With a regular review, you’ll be able to see a tangible increase and notice the return on the investment for yourself.

Understanding the motivations and habits of online consumers is crucial to securing their business. The people who do their shopping online tend to be better educated, younger and more affluent than the general US population. Their purchases also represent a disproportionate share of online shopping sales. In fact, nearly seventy percent of online sales can be attributed to just one-fifth of online consumers, according to a white paper released by professional services network KPMG. So it’s important for retailers and service providers to understand what and why people are buying online.

Categories: Content , How To's

Managing a company in today’s world is a full-time job. There are bills to pay, deadlines to meet, people to hire, meetings to attend—the list goes on. So who has the time to manage a website on top of all that? Truthfully, no one. If you spend the necessary amount of time it takes to manage a website, you’re most likely neglecting your business’s other needs. (Trust us, we know.) Take control by giving some up, and learn how we can help turn your company’s web presence around.

Heading into a new year often means pausing to take stock of your life, and identifying areas that would benefit from a commitment to improvement. But don’t stop there! As a business owner, you should also be asking yourself what steps you can take to improve your company. Not sure what to focus on? Here are three resolutions you can make to ensure 2020 is your best year yet.

Many business owners end up feeling a bit like Lewis Carroll's Alice—overwhelmed, unsure and perhaps even a little irritable—when it comes to branding. This is unfortunate because branding is actually all about simplifying your life. Good, unified branding creates credibility and trust. It helps showcase your company’s personality, and it generates more than customers—it generates advocates.

With a combined total of 10 years in support, our team has encountered just about any issue you can imagine, so, we asked our team what a few of their most frequently asked questions are!

It takes work to always be innovating and we wouldn’t have it any other way! Here’s a look at some of our favorite websites from winter 2019.

Is it Wordpress, Drupal or the newest CMS advertised? We frequently offer advice to clients choosing a CMS, here are effective points that guided them to a confident decision!

Wait, we’re already one-third of the way through winter? Woah! We’ve been doing a lot of revamping at the 360 PSG offices and getting into new processes for the new year. It’s hard to believe that fall is over, let alone 2018; yet, here we are! Our marketing team started a lot of new campaigns in January while they are working their magic, we’ve selected five projects that our design team worked on this past season. Here they are in no particular order!

LinkedIn is an excellent platform for professionals and businesses to connect with each other; however, are the connections always meaningful? The platform is surely trying to make it so. LinkedIn has lagged behind Facebook when it comes to offering its marketers options for ad formats, targeting, and content features. With the release of “LinkedIn Pages” (replacing “Company Pages”) and updated advertising tools, the new year is a great time to get back into marketing on the web’s largest professional network. For business owners and professionals looking to grow their business and build relationships, LinkedIn has got you covered.

It’s been a hot, busy summer in Buffalo, New York! At times, we almost didn’t want to leave our comfy office to brave the heat waves and unforgiving UV rays. The great news? Our reluctance to go outdoors has provided our clients with a lot of exciting website launches and high-performing digital campaigns to enjoy while the weather cools down. In all seriousness, we had an awesome summer at 360 PSG (yes, even the outdoors too). Now that we have time to reflect, here are our picks for the top web projects of summer 2018!