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Social media helps drive brand awareness. With millions of people using at least one platform daily, it’s a great way to build your audience and connect with your customers.

Developing the perfect strategy for your business while staying in-budget can be challenging. However, there are cost-effective ways to get your brand in front of customers.

As we approach the new year, it's pivotal for businesses to reevaluate their branding. Effective branding is more than just aesthetics; it's the essence of a company's identity.

The internet has reshaped how we live and do business. But in this vast digital space, how do you ensure your business stands out? The answer lies in two powerful tools: SEO and SEM.

You only get one chance to make a first impression. Capturing visitors’ attention and making a positive first impression requires an engaging website design.

As a business owner, it’s essential to start getting comfortable with GA4 and the data held within it so you can track and monitor the performance of your business’s website.

Understanding the motivations and habits of online consumers is crucial to securing their business. The people who do their shopping online tend to be better educated, younger and more affluent than the general US population. Their purchases also represent a disproportionate share of online shopping sales. In fact, nearly seventy percent of online sales can be attributed to just one-fifth of online consumers, according to a white paper released by professional services network KPMG. So it’s important for retailers and service providers to understand what and why people are buying online.

Categories: Content , How To's

Managing a company in today’s world is a full-time job. There are bills to pay, deadlines to meet, people to hire, meetings to attend—the list goes on. So who has the time to manage a website on top of all that? Truthfully, no one. If you spend the necessary amount of time it takes to manage a website, you’re most likely neglecting your business’s other needs. (Trust us, we know.) Take control by giving some up, and learn how we can help turn your company’s web presence around.

Many business owners end up feeling a bit like Lewis Carroll's Alice—overwhelmed, unsure and perhaps even a little irritable—when it comes to branding. This is unfortunate because branding is actually all about simplifying your life. Good, unified branding creates credibility and trust. It helps showcase your company’s personality, and it generates more than customers—it generates advocates.

With a combined total of 10 years in support, our team has encountered just about any issue you can imagine, so, we asked our team what a few of their most frequently asked questions are!

What’s the difference between local search engine optimization (SEO) and national SEO?  Find out what is best for your business with these simple tips.

Is it Wordpress, Drupal or the newest CMS advertised? We frequently offer advice to clients choosing a CMS, here are effective points that guided them to a confident decision!

LinkedIn is an excellent platform for professionals and businesses to connect with each other; however, are the connections always meaningful? The platform is surely trying to make it so. LinkedIn has lagged behind Facebook when it comes to offering its marketers options for ad formats, targeting, and content features. With the release of “LinkedIn Pages” (replacing “Company Pages”) and updated advertising tools, the new year is a great time to get back into marketing on the web’s largest professional network. For business owners and professionals looking to grow their business and build relationships, LinkedIn has got you covered.

Two is usually better than one, right? It’s time the narrative of Facebook advertising vs. Google AdWords comes to an end. These days, you want both! For any business, large or small, advertising on both Facebook and Google allows marketers to create and manage the buying cycle for every campaign. Instead of comparing Google and Facebook, brands can utilize both platforms’ features for leverage to hit their marketing goals. No advertising platform is perfect and that is why joining the strongest two together is an essential digital marketing strategy.

One of the most overlooked aspects of optimizing a website is the user experience. It can be difficult to gauge purely from the appearance and content of a site alone how users will interact with it. An experienced digital marketer will know that the way people interact with a website is just as important as how they find it.

It was a full house at 360 PSG this week for our Content Architecture, Modern Design Trends & Usability Workshop. Focusing on the importance of content and design in today’s digital world, our Dr. of Creative and Dr. of Operations, Jessa and Dan, presented what they believe a website needs in order to perform.

Organic search engine rankings are not the only way to gain exposure and drive traffic to your website. There are numerous online paid advertising networks available to use across various websites. However, only two platforms, Google Ads and Microsoft Ads, offer direct integration with the most popular search engines in the world using a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising scheme.

If Facebook’s new algorithm update has you feeling like the last kid picked in gym class, you aren’t alone. When the social giant announced in January that it was putting a strong focus on personal pages (and much, much less on Business Pages), the professional social world dramatically rumbled. Not only had organic reach declined to almost 2% throughout recent years, Facebook declared that it’s practically non-existent moving forward. What does this mean for companies with a Business Page?

Trends come and go, but your website doesn’t. A website is a representation of your brand, what you offer and what you’re capable of. When executed properly, a strong website will generate interest, inquiries, leads -- all things a business strives for in the digital world. What happens when your website hasn’t been updated?

Whether it’s tracking audience behavior or measuring the conversion path, digital marketers constantly reference data to make new decisions for their websites. Tools such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Bing Webmaster Tools present this real-time data in useful ways and are constantly being updated with new features.

Any carpenter knows that a good set of tools is essential for their work. A digital marketer is no different. If you want to succeed on the web, you must become familiar with the necessary tools in order to achieve your marketing objectives.